False Advertising

What is False Advertising?

False advertising is any claim about a product or service that is false, misleading or deceptive. Product misrepresentation and misleading advertisements can impact a consumer’s decision to purchase or use a product based on false information. This can result in not only a financial loss but additional damages to the consumer in some cases.
False advertising tactics include:

  • High-pressure sales: pressuring a consumer to purchase the product or service
  • Deceptive form contracts: may include overlooked or ambiguous fine print
  • Bait and switch advertising: advertising a product or service they do not intend to provide or sell
  • Inflating prices: tricking consumers into thinking their sale is a great deal
  • Failure to disclose: not informing consumers about specific terms, such as when a product is unavailable

Helping Victims Of False Advertising
Advertisements on the internet, radio, television or anywhere else must be truthful and not misleading under federal law. Unfortunately, this practice happens and consumers need zealous representation if they have been victims of false advertising.

At Clark Law Group in San Diego, our attorneys are skilled class action trial lawyers. We have more than 40 years of combined legal experience handling class action claims for consumers who have been misled or wronged.

Learn About Your Rights
Victims of false advertising are not alone. These claims do not impact a single consumer. Rather, many consumers are affected by these untruthful claims and can result in a class action claim being filed against the company for compensation.

You have rights. We will explain your legal options and how we can help you file a legal claim. We have experience representing consumers in class action claims. We are dedicated to protecting consumers’ rights and holding companies accountable for their deceptive ways.

Unsure if you have a case? Schedule a free consultation!