Hostile Environment
There are different forms of workplace harassment, which are outlined below. In order for the offensive actions to be considered unlawful, the actions need to reach beyond mere annoyance..
Hostile Work Environment
This type of harassment occurs when a hostile work environment is severe or pervasive that you are unable to perform your work or the harassing conduction become a consistent and defining condition of the work place.
Harassment of this type can take many forms including but not limited to:
statements, emails, texts, notes, postings, jokes, or any type of communication or action related to race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, or military and veteran status of any person.
This kind of illegal conduct often occurs in sexually offensive jokes, offensive statements about disabilities, harassment about sexual orientation, gender related insults, harassment based on religion or lack thereof, verbal attacks and racial slurs and any other form of harassment in the workplace.
Sexual Harassment/Quid Pro Quo Harassment
This type of harassment typically involves a form of requested exchange between the employer, supervisor, manager, or co-worker and the employee. Often the exchange is sexual in nature, whereby the act is forced in exchange for promotions, maintenance of employment, or another form of compensation.